Book Cover Design Competition

Camille Henry Memorial School presents it's first ever Book Cover Design Competition, in collaboration with Miss- Vee Art Studio. This initiative was undertaken under the Geo's Adventure Good Deed Project.


BOOK TITLE: Catching Butterflies

AUTHOR: Sadia Verneuil

ILLUSTRATOR: [Insert Name of Cover Designer]

Story Script: 

Today is Saturday. It is always fun to go to the park on a Saturday. There are always beautiful butterflies near the flowers. Tad and Sally are going to the park. They bring along a net and a jar. They have decided that the first place to visit when they get to the park will be the flower garden. As soon as Tad and Sally get to the park's entrance, they race through the flower garden. A kaleidoscope of butterflies flutter their wings as Tad and Sally swing their nets in the air.

'Look, Sally!' said Tad excitedly. 'I caught so many colourful butterflies!'

'Oh, great! Come quickly!' , said Sally, as she opened the jar.'Place them in here!'

'Yes! We can take them home to show grandma.'  said Tad.

Tad and Sally filled their jar with all different colourful butterfiles. They played some more in the park. Soon, it was getting late. Tad and Sally took their nets, and the jar filled with butterflies to their home. Grandma was already in the kitchen waiting on them with lunch placed on the table. Tad and Sally cleaned up and went to the table. As they ate, they proudly showed Grandma their jar of butterflies. They talked about all the fun they had catching butterflies in the flower garden at the park.

**** End of Story****

When designing your Cover Page, Please refer to the following mechanics:

  1. Be creative and express your own style. The only criteria is the artwork should relate to the story script and should capture elements of a book such as title,  author and illustrator. 
  2. Entries can be done on any wet or dry media or Computer graphics. Entries can be done in colour or monochrome.
  3. Entries can be submitted as JPEG or PDF( 8 1/2'' x 11) format and should at least be 3MB in size.
  4. Participation is OPEN TO ONLY students of the Camille Henry Memorial School who are students of Grades K - 2. Parental consent in needed, as photos of participants and their submissions will be displayed and share with the public.
  5. Entries must be submitted by midnight of May 26,  2023, to
  6. The student body, as well as family members and friends, will vote on their favourite entry. Points will be accumulated and added to the points alloted by the Book Editors. Entries will be judged by the book’s editors based on its suitability to the book’s theme.
  7. By joining the contest, the publishers will own the winning artwork and the copyright thereon.
  8. The winning entry will be announced on June 2, 2023 . The winning artist will be informed during the lunch break and via a direct call to their parent(s), who will collect the cash prize of $100 on behalf of the participant. The winning artwork will be published as the book cover. 
  9. Non winning entries will be published on the CHMS website and Social Media pages. 



~ The Book Editors : Reading Month Team at the Camille Henry Memorial School